An anthology of sacred hymns for classical guitar

An anthology of sacred hymns, including How Great Thou Art, Joyful Joyful we adore thee and Morning has broken played by American guitarist James Sundquist.


Track Listing

  1. A Mighty Fortress is our God
  2. Holy, Holy, Holy
  3. Great is thy faithfulness
  4. How Great thou art
  5. O Sacred Head now wounded
  6. Be Still my Soul
  7. Joyful joyful we adore thee
  8. Morning has broken
  9. Fairest Lord Jesus
  10. Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
  11. Have thine own way
  12. I know that my redeemer lives

Where to buy

An anthology of sacred hymns for classical guitar is available as as CD. It can be purchased online through Buywell Music or the Australian Music Centre which both offer secure online ordering.

Move CDs can be ordered through music retailers across Australia including Readings.

Product details

List price
$15.00 AUD
Catalogue number
MD 3073
Alternate catalogue number
EAN 9314574307320