Timothy Veldman
Timothy Veldman has performed with the Australian Chamber Orchestra and currently plays with the State Orchestra of Victoria and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.
Timothy Veldman was born in the Netherlands in 1974 and grew up in Australia. He studied with Helfried Fister in Klagenfurt, Austria, where he graduated with distinction. He was awarded first prize in the Carinthian Young Soloist Competition. He has performed with the Australian Chamber Orchestra and currently plays with the State Orchestra of Victoria and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.
Timothy Veldman appears on
Butterfly Modernism
This is composer Eve Duncan’s third release, a 2-CD set, and it heralds new approaches in her music.
Recorded Messages: Violin
Composer Eve Duncan commissioned violinists from Austria, China, Japan as well as Australia, to record her compositions which she has compiled onto this fascinating CD.