Melanie Chilianis
Melanie is a flautist and composer working with electro-acoustic sound extension and conceptual mixes in performance and installation.
Her acoustic compositions have been performed and broadcast live on ABC-FM (Australia) and Radio 3 (National radio, Italy), as well as on local radio stations. Melanie’s compositions have been performed in Italy and the USA. She has work archived in the British Library and playing permanently (commissioned) for the Goldcoast Exhibition Centre audiovisual alcove. Melanie’s solo sound installation Days of Our Lives was represented in Contemporary Composition: From Avant-Garde to Experimental curated by Stéphanie Kabanyana Kanyandekwe in Now Hear This, part of Melbourne Now at the National Gallery of Victoria.
As an early member of Thomas Reiner’s re-sound, she was involved in the interpretation and presentation of new musical ideas and engaged in a dialogue with local and international composers. Melanie also performed flute pieces by contemporary composers in regional festivals such as Federation Music: Contemporary Music of Asia and the Pacific.
She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in film and communication studies where she explored the concept of the epileptic body through electronic music. Her recent electronic and electroacoustic music explores the tension between interruption and a desire for continuity. Melanie currently collaborates with Iranian composer and santour player Atefeh Einali.
Performing as re-sound
re-sound has established itself as one of Australia's most progressive contemporary music ensembles. Its thought-provoking, challenging and dynamic performances explore the sounds of our time across a wide range of genres, styles, and performance contexts.
Quiet on the Bridge
As with the group's previous recordings, this CD combines a range of contemporary styles and approaches, including electronic and electro-acoustic music, contemporary chamber and interactive computer music, indeterminate (open) works and improvisation.
Performer: Flute
Ephemeral Densities
ephemeral densities is re-sound's third CD. It focuses on new Australian work by re-sound members Steve Adam, Melanie Chilianis, Paul Moulatlet, and Thomas Reiner. It integrates contemporary chamber music, computer music and popular electronic music.
Performer: Flute
In C
Terry Riley's classic minimalist work In C receives its first electroacoustic interpretation by the Melbourne-based contemporary music ensemble.
Performer: Flute
Compositions by Melanie Chilianis also appear on
This recording brings together the Italian chamber group Trio Altrove 1.3 with six Australian composers of contemporary classical music: Steve Adam, Melanie Chilianis, Brendan Colbert, Philip Czaplowski, Paul Moulatlet, and Thomas Reiner.
Melanie Chilianis also appears on
Hard Chamber
A retrospective collection of chamber works by leading Melbourne contemporary composer, Thomas Reiner. Features soloists from Monash University and ensemble re-sound.