Jill Forrest
Carilloneur Jill Forrest teaches carillon students at the University of Sydney and supervises a roster of Honorary Carillonists who play the War Memorial Carillon for formal recitals, graduation ceremonies and a range of other events. She is also an organist and church musician, and is currently President of the Carillon Society of Australia.
Jill Forrest began carillon studies in 1978 with the late John D Gordon, her predecessor as University Carillonist at the University of Sydney, and undertook further study in Wellington, New Zealand, with Timothy Hurd. She was appointed University Carillonist in 1982, and has played in North America, The Netherlands, Denmark and New Zealand. At the University she teaches carillon students and supervises a roster of Honorary Carillonists who play the War Memorial Carillon for formal recitals, graduation ceremonies and a range of other events. She is also an organist and church musician, and is currently President of the Carillon Society of Australia.
Jill Forrest is featured on the following titles
Carillon and Organ
Enjoy the spectacular sound of organ and carillon as you've never heard them before! Recorded at the University of Sydney, this CD features the talents of organist Amy Johansen and master carilloneur Jill Forrest.