Helfried Fister
Helfried Fister was born in 1952 and studied in Cologne with Igor Ozim and Gunther Kehr. He regularly conducts masterclasses in Europe, Australia and Mexico and continues to perform as a soloist in Europe and Australia.
Helfried Fister was born in 1952 and studied in Cologne with Igor Ozim and Gunther Kehr. He taught at the Staatliche Hochschule fur Music in Cologne and received an award from the Kartner Regierung. In 1990 he became Head of Strings at the Kartner Landeskonservatorium where he conducts international classes, as well as Head of Strings for all the music schools in Carinthia, Austria. He currently teaches at the Musikuniversitat Graz and the Fux Conservatorium. In 1999 he was made a member of the Carinthian Council of Cultural Affairs. He regularly conducts masterclasses in Europe, Australia and Mexico and continues to perform as a soloist in Europe and Australia.
Helfried Fister appears on
Recorded Messages: Violin
Composer Eve Duncan commissioned violinists from Austria, China, Japan as well as Australia, to record her compositions which she has compiled onto this fascinating CD.