Geoffrey Cox
Geoffrey Cox was born in Brisbane, but has lived in Melbourne since 1979. After a period as Organ Scholar at New College, Oxford in the late 1970s, he became Organist and Director of Music at St Peter's Anglican Church, Eastern Hill (1980-1994), Assistant Organist and Choirmaster at St Patrick's Catholic Cathedral (1995-1999) and then Director of Music at St Patrick's (1999-2014).
In 2015, having retired from university teaching and from the Cathedral, he has been appointed Director of Music at St Mark's Anglican Church in his home suburb of Fitzroy.
Performing as Cantus Choro
Cantus Choro has established a fine reputation for its broadcasts for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and recitals of sacred and secular music. Directed by Peter Chapman, with Norman Kaye on the organ.
Songs and Praises
Favourite Hymns from the Australian Hymn Book Vol. 3. The thrilling sound of choir and organ in the fine acoustic of Trinity College Chapel, Melbourne, is an inspiration for all hymn lovers.
Performer: Organ
Geoffrey Cox is a member of
Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century
The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century is a collective of specialist singers and instrumentalists brought together for the Fourteenth Century Recording Project. The ensemble was initially formed around the leading Australian mediaeval ensemble La Romanesca, which was expanded to provide the varied instrumental and vocal combinations required by the repertoire.