Domenico Scarlatti
Giuseppe Domenico Scarlatti (1685–1757) was an Italian composer who spent much of his life in the service of the Portuguese and Spanish royal families.
He is classified as a Baroque composer chronologically, although his music was influential in the development of the Classical style. Like his renowned father Alessandro Scarlatti he composed in a variety of musical forms although today he is known almost exclusively for his 555 keyboard sonatas.
Compositions by Domenico Scarlatti appear on
Scarlatti's Steinways at Melbourne
The remarkable output of 555 Keyboard Sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) remains one of the most original compositional contributions in Western Art Music. Pianist Ian Holtham has selected 23 of the sonatas sequenced into four baroque tonal groupings.
The Convict Harpsichordist
John Grant, frustrated in love, shot a London lawyer in the buttock and was sentenced to death at the Old Bailey. Granted a reprieve, he arrived at Sydney Cove in 1804, bringing with him Australia's first harpsichord. But what music did he play? Harpsichordist Elizabeth Anderson answers the question.
Yes, it rings a bell!
Adrian Tien takes the Australia's National Carillon in Canberra through its paces with a beautifully varied programme including Bach, Gershwin, and music from today's finest carillon composers.
La Follia
"La Follia" variations by Corelli, Vitali, Vivaldi, Scarlatti, with stunning performances by German recorder virtuoso Susanne Ehrhardt accompanied by the acclaimed Australian harpsichordist Jacqueline Ogeil.
Bizarre or baRock
Elizabeth Anderson explores harpsichord music across four centuries: ranging from Conceição's raw 17th century battle piece, through traditional Baroque repertoire, to Jazz, Blues, Gershwin and the Beatles accompanied by drums and bass. Weird, wild, wacky and wonderful - you've never heard the harpsichord like this!
The Virtuoso Harpsichord
Vibrant young Melbourne-based harpsichordist, Jacqueline Ogeil showcases the virtuosic, dramatic and passionate sides of the harpsichord.
With Tenderness, With Fire
Ronald Farren-Price encores his hugely popular "Reflections" CD with this recital of music ranging from the sublime beauty of a Beethoven Adagio to the thundering splendour of Prokofiev's "Toccata".
Internationally acclaimed pianist Ronald Farren-Price presents superb performances of some of the greatest music ever written for the piano.
Flamboyant Spanish harpsichord music performed by harpsichordist Elizabeth Anderson; with Douglas Lawrence, organ.
Jinker Ride
Here is a musical collection in celebration of the glorious instrument, the piano, expressly written for and the fully exploiting the resources of the modern pianoforte.