Becky Llewellyn
Llewellyn is an enthusiast, thinker and communicator who creates an empathetic blend of ideas and emotions designed to help the listener explore inner landscapes. Her early love of acoustic music, combined with respect for musicians, gives authenticity to her music which is conceived to be performed live.
Born in Minnesota, USA in 1950, Becky Llewellyn migrated with her family to Australia in 1969. She settled in South Australia where, in the late 1980s, she trained as a composer with Graeme Koehne at the Elder Conservatorium, University of Adelaide.
Llewellyn's works have been performed at festivals and concerts across Australia and in the USA. In September 1991, she instigated the inaugural Composing Women's Festival in Adelaide. The highly successful festival brought Australian women composers together for the first time and attracted significant media attention that focused on topical questions about composition and gender.
Llewellyn grew up in a family with music at its core. The only dinner table rule was 'no singing at the table'. Her early love of acoustic music, combined with respect for musicians, gives authenticity to her music which is conceived to be performed live.
Llewellyn is an enthusiast, thinker and communicator who creates an empathetic blend of ideas and emotions designed to help the listener explore inner landscapes.
She has shared the past thirty years with her husband, Richard, who has a severe disability and uses an electric wheelchair. Llewellyn says this intense relationship, with its experience of challenges, interdependency, and satisfaction, are at the root of her music.
Compositions by Becky Llewellyn appear on
Milerum's Basket
An exciting new CD showcasing the brilliant music of the Adelaide-based composer, Becky Llewellyn, featuring the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, the Lights Contemporary Ensemble, a multimedia video and much more!