Anthony Halliday
After initial studies at The University of Melbourne, Anthony Halliday continued at The Royal College of Music and The Royal College of Organists in London. He has received many awards and prizes including a Churchill Fellowship, all the Fellowship prizes at the Royal College of Organists, and was Commonwealth Winner of the ABC Concerto Competition.
Anthony has given numerous piano and organ recitals and concerto performances throughout Europe and Australasia, including performances at Westminster and St. Paul's Cathedrals in London, Cologne Cathedral, St. Peter's Basilica Rome, Sydney Opera House and Melbourne Concert Hall. He has also given special performances in the presence of Pope John Paul II, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, His Eminence Cardinal Hume of Westminster and other dignitaries.
Anthony Halliday is also a composer. His works have been performed in Berlin, London, Rome and Melbourne. Anthony's recent recording "Piano Masterworks" includes music by Händel, Beethoven, Liszt and Shafton. Other recordings include "A Piano Recital" and "Celebrated Organ Masterpieces". He has also recorded all 32 Sonatas for Piano by Beethoven.
In the eight part series "Beethoven and Friends" presented at the German Lutheran Trinity Church in Melbourne in 2007/2008 Anthony performed the complete 48 preludes and fugues of J.S. Bach's "Well-Tempered Clavier" with works by Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart, Czerny, Hummel, Shafton, C.P.E. Bach, Chopin and Schubert.
During the 2010-2011 concert season Anthony will again be performing at numerous venues in Germany (Cologne International Organ Festival), Spain, Italy, Ireland and England.
Anthony Halliday is featured on the following titles
Anthony Halliday plays Saint-Saëns, Beethoven, Duruflé, Bach
Few Australian musicians come close to matching Anthony Halliday’s versatile splendour. This latest of Halliday’s all-too-few organ CDs emphasises his gifts in transcribing orchestral works. Featuring the organ of St Francis' Church Melbourne.
Performer: Organ
Lobe den Herren
Renowned Organist and Concert Pianist, Anthony Halliday performs a varied recital on this charming and historic instrument. The program ranges from the grand organ works of J.S. Bach to Halliday's own transcription of the finale from Beethoven's 5th Symphony.