Alfred Hill
Alfred Hill spent most of his early life in New Zealand and made a significant contribution to the study of the indiginous musics of the Maoris and Australian Aborigines.
Born in Melbourne, Alfred Hill spent most of his early life in New Zealand. Between 1887 -1891 he studied in Leipzig and was conducted by Brahms, Bruch and Tchaikovsky. In 1897 he moved to Sydney, still maintaining a close connection with New Zealand. He made a significant contribution to the study of the indiginous musics of the Maoris and Australian Aborigines. On his death his manuscripts were donated by his widow to the ABC's federal library.
Compositions by Alfred Hill appear on
Beautiful lullabies and cradle songs by Australian composers from 1890-1999. Featuring soprano Linda Thompson (Australian Opera and VSO Young Artist) and pianist Deviani Segal, this delightful collection features world premiere recordings of Australian lullabies and cradle songs.