Jeffrey Crellin
As a well-known soloist, Jeffrey Crellin has appeared on many occasions with the Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Queensland and Tasmanian symphony orchestras, as well as orchestras from both Germany and Japan. in 1989 he toured all mainland Australian states for Musica Viva as a guest artist with the Reger Trio from West Germany. He is founding member of the Australian Chamber Soloists, the Melbourne based chamber ensemble and currently directs the Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra.
Jeffrey was born in Brisbane and studied the oboe with Frank Lockwood. In 1972, he transferred to Adelaide University to study with Jiri Tancibudek. In 1973, he was Commonwealth Winner of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Instrumental and Vocal Competitions while in 1974 he was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to study in Europe with Heinz Holliger. On his return to Australia in 1977, he was appointed Principal Oboe with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, with whom he featured as a soloist during the orchestra's 1987 tour of Japan. In the following year, he was invited to appear at the Takemitsu Festival in Tokyo to give a recital and to perform with the Arditti String Quartet, with whom he appears in his first international compact disc release for the Fontec label.
As a well-known soloist, Jeffrey Crellin has appeared on many occasions with the Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Queensland and Tasmanian symphony orchestras, as well as orchestras from both Germany and Japan. in 1989 he toured all mainland Australian states for Musica Viva as a guest artist with the Reger Trio from West Germany. He is founding member of the Australian Chamber Soloists, the Melbourne based chamber ensemble and currently directs the Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra.
Jeffrey Crellin is featured on the following titles
Prudence Davis, Jeffrey Crellin and Peter Lynch. Beautiful French trios, duets, and solo works for oboe, flute and guitar including Fauré's Pavane, Ravel's Pavane, Debussy's Reverie and Syrinx and traditional folk song arrangements.
Performer: Oboe
Jeffrey Crellin also appears on
Pictures at an Exhibition: Reflected and Refracted
Unique orchestral arrangements of Pictures at an Exhibition, Gliere's Coloratura Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra, Glinka's The Nighingale, and two movements from Tchaikovsky's The Seasons.
Performer: Conductor and Soloist
Contributor: Artistic Director
The Marvellous World of George Dreyfus, Volume 1
Marvellous music by the well-known Australian composer George Dreyfus, one of Australia's most animated musical personalities.