Choir of Ormond College
Since its inception in 1982 under the direction of Douglas Lawrence, the Choir of Ormond College has become the first Australian choir to receive ongoing international recognition.
After listening to the Choir of Ormond College, a German critic wrote that during the concert she had felt ‘at the centre of the world.’
Most of the singers are or have been resident in Ormond College and come from schools where music education has occupied an important part in the curriculum.
Press quotes
“Twenty four young singers from Melbourne showed the Germans how to sing Bach.”
— The Berlin Morganpost
“One of the most virtuosic chamber choirs in the world.”
— Berlingske Tidende
Choir of Ormond College is featured on the following titles
This CD from the internationally acclaimed Choir of Ormond College, celebrates the fun side of singing! Directed by Douglas Lawrence.
Performer: Choir
The 12 Days of Christmas
The Choir Of Ormond College here sings several carols long held in affection around the world but adds to these with newer works accompanied by renowned Australian pianist, Stephen McIntyre.
Performer: Choir
The Choir of Ormond College LIVE
Having been associated with the choir since its inception, Move is delighted to celebrate the choir's musical "coming of age" and present this special live retrospective CD featuring many past and recent performances previously unreleased on the label.
Performer: Choir
Beatus Vir
Recorded live during their 1999 European tour, the Choir of Ormond College presents a delightful mix of music in eight parts by Jacob Handl, Palestrina and Gabrieli, and other beautiful music by Rheinberger, Villette, Stanford, Howells, Monteverdi and Gesualdo.
Performer: Choir
Kodaly Missa Brevis
Recorded on their 1997 European tour in Northern Italy and Germany, the Choir of Ormond College sings Kodaly's 'Missa Brevi s' and pieces by Tye, Howell and Bach.
Performer: Choir
Music From Heaven
The Choir of Ormond College directed by Douglas Lawrence. This highly acclaimed CD features superb pieces by Gregorio Allegri, Byrd, Poulenc, Britten, Barber and J.S. Bach.
Performer: Choir
I Heard the Owl Call My Name
The highly acclaimed recording of the Choir of Ormond College's European tour. Includes the amazing choral soundscape I Heard the Owl Call my Name by Australian composer Philip Nunn.
Performer: Choir
I Can Tell The World
This CD features saucy rounds, madrigals and drinking songs performed by one of Australia's best choirs, directed by Douglas Lawrence.
Performer: Choir
Bach Byrd Britten
Works by the great trilogy of choral composers, Bach, Byrd and Britten sung by the magnificent Choir of Ormond College. Includes A Ceremony of Carols.
Performer: Choir
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
The Choir of Ormond College presents a wonderfully varied selection of Christmas carols, 28 joyous tracks in all. Directed by Douglas Lawrence
Performer: Choir
When David heard that Absalom was slain
The Choir of Ormond College specialised in liturgical music of the 16th and 20th centuries. This recording also includes a number of psalm settings, including Allegri's "Miserere", a setting of the penitential Psalm 51 originally used only in the Sistine Chapel during Holy Week.
Performer: Choir
The Choir of Ormond College Melbourne
Directed by Douglas Lawrence who held the post at Ormond College, Melbourne, for over 20 years.
Performer: Choir
Choir of Ormond College also appears on
Bright Tracks
Winner of the 1998 ABC Classic FM "Listeners' Choice" Award, this double CD set brings together chamber music by Brenton Broadstock, one of Australia's most well- established and respected composers.
Performer: Choir
Merry Christmas
Elizabeth Anderson and friends put a new twist into Christmas carols and CDs: eight Christmas tracks neatly packaged as a Christmas card with a vibrant front cover and room for a personal inscription.